So, if ever you iive in an area that is hot and there is no air conditioning so you leave your windows open, beware of moths! Who knows how long the moth must have been trapped between my comforter and the sheets (I swear no more than 2 weeks though....I do wash my sheets :) ). After treking my favorite nice soft, high-threadcount sheets all the way from the US, their ruin has be expediated by the bastard moth that somehow found his way into my washing machine/dryer, only to find himself with the experience of a full wash and dry and survive!! Well, I think it pissed him off so while he waited for me to take the sheets out, he had a lovely dinner on my nice cotten sheets! The bastard! I assume it is only a matter of time and usage that the small hole he has eaten will rip my sheets to an unusable state. Now the search begins for my new favorite sheets only because of the beginning of the end of the current ones.
oh that really stinks. I guess when you have fancy high thread count sheets you can't very well fix holes with a cute bumble bee type patch or something, eh?
Maybe you should get a window unit.
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