Thursday, July 06, 2006

Italy advances to World Cup finals

After catching up with some friends over drinks, I found myself in Piccadilly Circus after the Italy-Portugal semi-finals World Cup game that Italy won. You can see from the picture that the Italy fans were just a "little" happy their team had won (notice the guys climbing the fountain). I really can't wait to see the celebration after the final World Cup game! I'm sure London has a population of either of the contenders so it should be a sight to see and enjoy!

2 comments: said...

Wasn't it Italy-Germany?

Cheers Patrizia

Jaynna Sims said...

You have busted me on how little I really am following the World Cup :). Yes, as you well know, you are right. Thanks for the correction. I checked out your blogs and your VOIP blogs seem interesting. I'll have to keep an eye on it.