Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mushrooms in Stockholm

In September last year, I found myself in lovely Stockholm. In one of my walks through the city, I passed a food market that had many of these mushroom stands. At least that is what I think they are. Maybe some foody out there can help me out on what exactly they are. Anyway, I was surprised to see so many of these foods in a Western country and not have any idea of what they were. Apparently the Swedes love them!!!


Anonymous said...

Mushrooms eh? I wonder what kind? It looks like a big bin of frosted cereal flakes. Perhaps I've been hanging out at Whole Foods too much.

Echo said...


In French they're called girolles--the dictionary translates that as chantarelle. Go figure. Yeah, the mushroom thing--I've learned all about them being married to a Russian.